Wednesday, February 01, 2012





Yesterday's USA Today Money section had a front page article that again demonstrated the advantages of train travel from Washington, D.C. to New York City.

High-speed rail is the long term solution to air traffic congestion around New York. But we have a good alternative for now with Amtrak's Acela, a high-speed train slowed by a track configuration not designed for the larger curve radii high-speed trains need.

New York's airports are near the bottom in on-time performance.

Meanwhile, Acela averages 84% on-time performance according to a December 2011 report by the United Rail Passenger Alliance. Compare that to Liberty Airport, with a 66% on-time arrival rate.

While the article describes air delays in terms of hours, Acela travels from DC to New York in 2 hours and 45 minutes.

Beyond that, while both have obstacles to reaching perfect performance, consider that planes idling on tarmacs are burning exhaust. Even during its worst delay, the Acela is powered by electricity, with a far lower environmental impact.

Even today, rail travel to New York beats air travel hands down.

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